When you flick through various Bridal mags, they all like to suggest that the perfect means to "relax" is to go for a pampering session. But to be honest, the whole facials thing has been more of a chore than a relax session. I remember how stunned I was when the Beautician suggested that I consider some face peels to help "clean out my pores". I thought those things were an option when you hit 50+. Apparently not. It's perfectly normal for brides to have a few layers of dead skin eaten away before the big day. Uh... how about No! I compromised with 3 regular facials spread out over the last year. Anything more seriously feels like overkill.
So what am I doing instead to chill? Well I've been doing a combination of Yoga & Pilates, partly to help tone up but mostly to relieve all the muscular aches & tensions from work. I've found this very helpful and refreshing. I'm very comfortable and at ease when I do stretches and breathing exercises.
And as unorthodox as it sounds, I escaped to Chenrezig Institute for the weekend. For those of you who don't know what that is, it's a Buddhist Retreat Centre in the Sunshine Coast. I received a refresher on my daily Buddhist Practice and I know with full confidence that this is what's going to help me survive the Wedding Madness. I'm already plotting to move my Buddhist Altar into a separate room (where I know no one will dare to venture) so that I can have some privacy when my family comes down. If all goes well, I will start the Big Day with a meditation so that whatever happens, I'll be grounded and prepared. You'll probably never see this suggested in any Fandangled Bridal Mag. But it's an absolute essential for any practising Buddhist. So all you Buddhist Brides-to-be, take note! Don't neglect your practice on the days leading up to your wedding and especially on your wedding day. We're gonna need all the clarity, calm & spaciousness possible so start meditating!
With Love,
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