Music: "I got a feeling" by the Black Eyed Peas
You can watch the video to see what happened during our Ben Huck's Night or if you like, read on and check out our photos. Better yet, why not do both? Enjoy!
What do you get when you put a Buck, a Hen, some Malaysian relatives, Cairns people, Veterinarian nurses & kids together? The most awesome "Ben Huck's" Night, that's what! A certain young lady by the name of Miss Sharl Kehoe (aka my sister) coordinated the fun-filled evening. Armed with her boyfriend, Chris, she organised us into two teams to participate in a series of PG-rated fun games. While she did forget to organise the catering (being a typical 18 year old), we were able to source out a casual meal of pizza, so all was good.

Other games involved "Pass the ring" and a version of the "Pin the tail on the Donkey". However, a definite highlight was Bingo! My sister had drilled me for odd facts about me and Craig, which ended in a lot of laughter as it revealed bad episodes of drunken escapades & personal bad habits. However, halfway through the game, the room was suddenly dimmed and my 7 year old brother, Aidan, and his friend Noah did a really hilarious number to the song "I'm too sexy" by "The Hit Crew". Needless to say, we all had tears in our eyes after seeing those sparkly red & blue shorts. Unfortunately, I've yet to get my hands on some photos but they're still nowhere near as good as being there!

We wrapped up the night a little literally. Craig and I had to be models as our teams used a supply of newspaper, paper towels, tape & various things to create our bigger and better wedding outfits. Sadly, I think my team may have needed a little bit more coordination. Craig's suit however was superb. Have a look at the piccy below and judge for yourself! And yes, that is a newspaper "garter" that Craig has in his mouth.

But don't think Craig was the only one who got to eat newspaper. They insisted that I eat the "biscuit buttons" on his suit, which was completely covered with a layer of tape. Only for the sake of entertaining you lot, did I agree to do so. Here's an action shot. And yes, those are crumbs falling from my mouth.

So that's all for the moment. I'll upload more photos from the evening so you can be part of the madness.
Lots of love,
Demi & Craig.
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