You can watch the video to see what happened during our Traditional Bridal Pick-Up or if you like, read on and check out our photos. Better yet, why not do both? Enjoy!
My mother's Chinese family have always maintained strong traditions and customs, despite migrating to Malaysia. Therefore, it was only natural that these traditions and customs came with us in our migration to Australia. Since it's not often that a Chinese wedding occurs in the land of Oz, I thought it would be nice to go through some of our family traditions.

After a meal of not-so-traditional Roast Meat & Vegies (which was absolutely scrumptious by the way!), I was whisked away and locked up in our family home. Craig was then challenged by each one of my siblings to respectively test his Stamina, Style, Strength, Brains, Skill & also his Dedication towards me.

The next challenge was against my sister Siobhan (aged 13), to see who had the best sense of style. This was going to be an interesting contest as Siobhan is renowned in our family for her Tom-Boy ways and lack of style. Two volunteers were selected from our guests so Siobhan had to dress Rachel, and Craig had to dress Noah. Despite their rather interesting choices of "style", the guests declared Craig the winner with loud cheers! At this point, it became quite clear that the guests were going to be favouring Craig, hehe. Thus, he won the second letter of his clue. Meanwhile, I was eagerly enjoying the entire spectacle through the kitchen window & the security screens of our front door!

For failing this challenge, Craig was made to eat one of his most hated foods: celery. Needless to say, he wasn't thrilled! However, it wasn't an entire loss. After eating the celery as punishment, Craig was given another letter to help him solve the clue.

Craig was swift to solve the clue, which happened to be the fridge. After much searching, he was able to find the key to the house but wait, my family wasn't done with him just yet! My three sisters barred the way to the door, demanding bribes before he was allowed to pass. This is very common in Asian families so Craig had to fork out some $$. However, he wasn't about to hand money over for free! Craig had a variety of Chinese Red packets, in which some had $20 notes while others had fake money or gold scratchy tickets. This highly amused the guests and the Aussie sense of humour was much appreciated. After bribing my sisters, he was finally allowed to open the door to the house and release me!
This concluded the formal process of picking me up from my parent's home. That same night however, we also had a "hair-combing" ceremony, which signifies the Bride officially entering adulthood and leaving her parent's household. So I had to have a shower and wear a fresh pair of pyjamas for the hair-combing ceremony. My hair was combed four times, signifying for example the parting from my parents. A flower comb was also placed in my hair.

Following this, we also had the official tea ceremony. Craig and I served sweet date tea to my parents and the elders of my Mother's family, as a sign of respect. Sweet date tea is served, as it symbolises the hope that the couple will have a sweet life together. After serving tea to our elders, it was then my siblings' turn to serve tea to Craig and myself, since we were their elders. In this way, the family welcomed us as a new couple.

As you can see, there was a lot happening that night! However, we had a lot of fun and by the end, Craig was still grinning. Phew! It was really lovely, especially when the night concluded with the making of a Chinese dessert. We rolled glutinous flour balls and filled them with rock sugar, which were then boiled and served with sweet syrup. It was a true family reunion and our thoughts were with all our family, from Ireland all the way to Malaysia, and throughout all of Australia. So despite the length of this blog, I hoped you found it fun to read and maybe even interesting! It certainly made our wedding journey truly special, unique and unforgettable. For more photos of the evening, just visit this link.

Yours truly,
Demi & Craig.
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